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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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at tempe a moscow time palestinians raise their hopes for a successful statehood bid at the u.n. despite opposition from the u.s. and israel which claim the state is a great one improve life for the autonomy top story more on the list have. also britain's prime minister praises the long anticipated leveson report that suggests the government should tighten its grip over the u.k. media but david cameron says a new law could be going too far again we examine that story and unrelenting protests in egypt as christians and liberals boycott the vote on a new constitution they're fearing the document will only cement the president and the muslim brotherhood as their grip on power.
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hello and good evening kevin irwin here at r.t. tonight's could have a company now it's crunch time for the palestinians to eagerly anticipating that un vote which may finally see them granted long sought after statehood tommies hoping to be granted the position of quote known member observer state that is the key word will join me live now for more on this it's a big night artie's paullus leader in tel aviv but first let's go to new york miniport is there for us hi a lot of attention focused on the u.n. tonight this votes but take place in what but three hours isn't it what are the expectations where you are. well palestine is expected to win its un bid by an overwhelming majority more than one hundred thirty nations of the journalist including at least fifteen euro be the european states are reportedly planning to folk to vote in favor of lifting the
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palestinian authority u.n. status from entity to observer state now palestine only needs to be thirds of the majority of the general assembly to leave this resolution to win this vote now the u.s. has been aggressively campaigning against today's contentious showdown on wednesday u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said that washington has made it very clear to the palestinian leadership the u.s. opposes palestinian efforts to upgrade their status at the u.n. outside of the framework of direct negotiations france on the other hand is expected to vote in favor of the palestinians and the u.s. has expressed regret over what it calls a clash between allies now with its elevated stallin status palestine will be able to join the international criminal court this would allow palestine to press for investigations into israel's disses in the occupied territories the authority will also be able to seek membership in specialized agencies of the un the us has
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publicly threatened to cut off financing to international organizations that it meant palestine as a member our viewers may remember that back in two thousand and eleven u.s. congress cut financing to unesco after it accepted palestine as a member now palestine did about fourteen months ago submit an application for full membership to the united nations is this application was blocked by the u.s. it didn't even come before the security council for a vote because the u.s. threatened to veto a full membership for palestine and this is what leads us to the current a story that we're talking about today this vote this showdown that will be taking place within the u.n. general assembly in just a few hours. looking very closely it is really really sort of in terms of the pull of one here's the reaction from israel towards this palestinian bid tonight. well the israeli government is calling this
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a bad political theater saying it's a bad day for peace and a bad day for me conciliation essentially they have though toned down the kind of rhetoric the kind of threats of sanctions if you've been hearing coming from tel aviv over the past few days they were breaking sanctions although saying that the intention was not to anyway cool down the palestinian authority or invoke any kind of it was versatile steps the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made the point that the resolution is one sided and that it will not advance any kind of fact he says it will do exactly the reverse they're trying out will saying that the only way forward is for these radios and palestinians to sit down together in direct talks at the negotiating table and this is essentially the israeli position they believe that the palestinians are seeking statehood with out resolving some of the core issues that really are fundamental to the discussions and to the disagreements between israelis and palestinians and they want to see those kind of
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issues was old post before it can be any talk of statehood policy or in tel aviv earlier as well in new york thanks for that i know you'll be watching closely bring us up to date throughout the coming hours just remind our viewers as well but vote on the upgrade of the palestinian state is at the united nations is expected to take place at twenty one hours g.m.t. we'll also keep you up to date on the outcome of course here later this too will be continuing the discussion of the bridge prospects potential repercussions. the wide ranging leveson report into the starter's of the u.k. press suggested it should be regulated by a new independent body backed by legislation brought minister cameron has agreed that contact between politicians and media executives should be made public earlier i spoke to artist polly boyd more inside the story. lord leveson very damning in his report about the press ethics of some of the parts of the newspaper industry said that they ruined and wreaked havoc with some innocent people's lives also very
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critical of politicians cozy relationship that's how he called it with powerful media organizations and what his recommendations really boiled down to was that he says the u.k. needs to create a new independent press watchdog that will be underpinned by new legislation did the government agree with the findings david cameron has just responded to lord leveson is recommend ations now he says he wholeheartedly agrees with the report he agrees that the system that we currently have in the u.k. of press regulation is badly broken and it needs a radical overhaul however he's concerned about creating new legislation in order to underpin a new watchdog he thinks that it's possible to make long lasting radical changes to the way that the press is regulated without changing the law let's take a listen to what he said in the house of commons the issue of principle is that for the first time we've crossed the rubicon of writing elements of press regulation
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into the river. we should i believe be weary of any legislation that has the potential to infringe free speech what was the opinion from the other side of the barricades if you like from the journalists well we actually had the labor leader ed miliband responding as well he said that he agrees with lord leveson recommendations but actually he thinks that the law should be changed now the journalists and the press community they're not very enthusiastic about changing the law or in bringing in more stringent regulation that could be enforced by new laws they say that that could threaten the very nature of freedom of speech here in britain now we spoke to one journalist a little bit earlier and let's take a listen to what he said. the trouble with freedom of speech is that it's not like any other industry it's not like estate agents or lawyers in which you can drop regulations it's a fundamental thing that we all have and it's
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a financial right. so it's not something you can just sort of tinker with so it looks like whether or not to undependable new regulatory body by law is really going to be the bone of contention and the debate that's going to be raging on about it is only just starting. their one of our team in london ok let's talk now then go live to someone who could be directly affected indeed by the report u.k. based investigative journalist tony gosling tony thanks for joining us on the line there from bristol tonight as a journalist then can you understand david cameron's reluctance to underpin. suggestions with new legislation new laws. well yes he could be right to do that i think let's not leave aside for a minute the fact that lord justice leveson is a close friend of elizabeth murdoch not really the right person to do this job but what happened here is we've had an inquiry into the press where actually the problem that started all this was a criminal gang it looks like within the murdoch news operating beyond the law and
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really the failure was not as the phrase it was that the police failed to do their job for something like six years they had information about all sorts of phone hacking that was going on including people who were trying to help the victims of the seven seven along the links having their loans criminally actually with the news of the world of the murder and so whatever sin is done i think he's quite cleverly sort of the goalposts and blames the press and i suppose we have to wonder do we have a full press here in britain blame the press because the end of the day at the beginning or of it was the press that actually did this whether or not the police and it had information of what the president was there for the press or instigated it. well yes but the criminal activity going on within the press was reported to the police and the police did nothing about it it's no i mean this is their job though is the end of the day you know are not say look i'm not excusing the activity at all what i'm saying is if people are reporting that kind of thing to
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the police and the police are then failing to act as they did in this case i mean the guy who's in charge of that investigation john yates has now fled the country he's not in britain anymore he was from the metropolitan police he's now running the riot police in bahrain where several people have been killed since his arrival in bahrain so i think this is this is there's a bit of attempt to sort of smear out of the way of the real issue which is the failure of criminal acts to be actually acted upon by the police are not excusing that at all you know the empire's activities and let's not forget the guy who's in charge of the news the world at the time was this chap courson who is the press secretary to the prime minister david cameron and cameron has been shown. to have been actually batting for the murdoch empire as part of all of this kevin so you know i think you know there needs to be a bit more of a focus on the failures of the police to actually do anything about these criminal acts now they've talked a lot about common is saying that we need to look at all calm people probably don't
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know what that is it's a british broadcasting regulator and they're looking at that as some sort of wonderful model in fact the consumer power of. actually chosen by corporate headhunters odgers com is something of a monstrosity if you write of commas i do from time to time complaining about programs you don't even get a reply from them so the idea that this is going to be some sort of wonderful solution is neither here nor there the fact of the matter is that it's very difficult for anybody but the rich to get access to justice when it comes to the british media and also to buy the transmitters and buy the printing presses to run the press in britain so you know the poor don't get justice. in the deputy prime minister nick clegg in a separate statement earlier supported the idea of a. in the law so this clear political division of the report's conclusions night are we going to get to a position where the public are tangibly going to benefit from this long running inquiry what's really going to come out of it i have all the back story even telling me about the facts presented to us on the table what's going to help now.
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well i think there will be some sort of new regulator set up maybe that doesn't need to be backed up by legislation but ultimately there's a there's a toxic mix of the police and the press which needs to be broken i don't think this is necessarily going to address that this inquiry what happens if you get this thing together like release of the uniform they don't quite get. what you say ok kevin i will refer to the journalists did they should there be chastised here. of course they should and they are being in fact courson who is the news editor is being prosecuted along with rebecca brooks and others but you know at the end of the day the journalists don't own the transmitters the journalist don't own the printing presses it's the proprietors and the editors who are really really culpable here and what we need is some kind of plurality which we do get on the internet the mainstream press though i'm afraid i don't know if this is going to cause a lot of changes with the way that our press operates and i think that's because they're very rich very powerful and they've been lobbying very strongly to make
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sure that there's going to be some kind of a regulator but it will be probably independent in name but will actually represent the people who are victims who have very little access to justice like christian priest from here in bristol who was who was said to be a murderer by the press these are the kinds of people that we should have these press independent boards and let's hope that someone like chris and others like him end up on there because they are supposed to be the people who are in the majority on this interesting point because you're literally goes on the line from bristol thanks ever so much thanks kevin still to come belgrade accuses the hague of bias were appalling on. quips a former possibly killing torture. it's a plus this too for. the bailout he needed more because blasting something you say will reveal all. after this break and.
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a lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland when fifty armed f.b.i. agents storm the house and guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my asian huli thankfully sholay suffered minor flesh wounds but the key issue is that it remains unknown as to why the house was stormed so here in america for no reason guys in black uniform storm someone's house alone in some rounds and left with no justification or explanation yes the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is from aiding silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even
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really know whose house you're storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do a little google search about the fourth amendment but that's just my opinion. go to the. technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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the great russian. prevailing over. the. people's admiration two hundred. zero zero. zero. today. these are the images. from the
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street. corners of moscow thank you for being with us here tonight right back to our top story aspirations for u.n. observer state recognition our main story tonight that vote just a few hours away now let's get israel's perspective on the looming showdown over come. on the line his press secretary for the israeli prime minister this is a good evening to you and your foreign minister and prime minister both say this peace talks can you very briefly outline their reasoning. well there are two reasons first of all. this side is just this step is just
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meaningless because the palestinians will not feel any difference to morrow they will not have a palestinian state and the second is that it's a violation of. israel signed to a violation with israel and with the international community and only by. negotiations can be established in palestinian state and by the way israel is not against a palestinian state israel is against a one sided clear relations we want to negotiate to have security first of all and that the palestinians will recognize that israel is not just a state but a jewish state and a homeland for jews and we want to live in peace that's all we just don't want to do in some area will become another terrorist base as we already have and i mean proponents of course say the peace talks might go better if we're between two more say equal entities rather than israel the powerhouse in
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a comparable light weight palestine is not a valid point. no because the whole negotiations is to establish a new palestinian state and the oslo accords that was signed in ninety three spoke about the fact that the establishment of a new palestinian state can be only through direct negotiations so now what mahmoud abbas does it's not a step forward it's a step aside or even you know a step. back because it doesn't lead to a new palestinian state is just one sided resume and meaningless it will not bring us to secure israel to the four palestinians who of course a lot of the rest the world doesn't agree with you figures indicate are already preliminary ones anyway that palestine's got the majority needs in a couple of hours time wise the international community so i'm sure that this is
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apparently is the right way to go. well first of all it's really a pity that the international community gives hand to this violation and secondly i think it's a very symbolic. symbolic. gesture to the palestinians no more unfortunately again i'm telling you that it will not lead to was due to national community would like to see words palestinians would like to see and what israelis would like to see just meaningless and we really saw it the palestinians choose to do this one sided approach the united nations the result lucian in the united nations like that will not give them the status of a june state it can be done only in the security council and the palestinians failed to have a majority in the security council for two times again and fortunately they do now this step and the international community gives hand to this step aside and not
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step forward. when so much of the rest of the world is obviously saying what you're not saying and bearing in mind to go see a shift in israel and palestine to be going on for such a long time and failing for decades for decades isn't it time for something new to be added into the mix other than what you're saying maybe. well you know we call. we call to mahmoud abbas for years to come and return to the table of negotiations and israel i want to. remind you that israel did everything israel could to proceed to give chance to this to this process we stopped building stopped building in some area for turn months what no government before this government and at the end of the of this. of this step of israel nothing happened palestinians didn't
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get back to the negotiations they did back very symbolically and it was done in two weeks and it again failed so i think that israel done everything he could to bring back this process but again we have to provide security to israel we don't want to see that the new palestinian state will become a new another terrorist base and by the way i'm sure that this security will be good not only for israel will be good also for palestinians and for all the international community to begin with call upon palestinians and mahmoud abbas to come back to this big oceans and by the way we sure that this is the cool ration. of the bus is a kind of effort to you know distract the palestinian public from the domestic problems and domestic failure that he has he even doesn't control the whole power
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stimulant authority he didn't heal last. which became after serving after the years. base where from we you know have rockets and you remember what happened last week so he represents palestinians. but he doesn't even control the whole palestinian authority so again we have to proceed together was as it was agreed in accords in order to be provide. for palestinians and security for israel mr sandusky just one last thought the lines of a glass half full not half empty i guess there's a thought isn't it that if this bit is successful it would boost take power away from how much that's actually serving israel's security interests and what we're really hold to you know people in palestinian authority the palestinians will see
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that the do want to proceed in peaceful means and. and. all the policies will unite and get back to the negotiations with israel to a stablish a palestinian state that will be sovereign that will be prosperous that will be a good state to live in but that will provide security to israel and the palestinians will recognize israel as a homeland for jewish people as a state of the jews which we didn't have for more than two thousand years and i think that people know what happened to jews when they didn't have the mr appreciate it we make the time to talk to. the press secretary for the israeli prime minister appreciate it. well thousands of people flooded the streets remain in support of submitted both or to the west but the palestinian leaderships optimistic about the despite strong opposition from the u.s.
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and israel goes very starved of it harry fear report says so for the purpose to. a lot of significance because the palestinian territories geographically noncontiguous that we have the west bank and gaza in the west bank in particular associated with the power of mahmoud abbas and here in gaza particular associated with the power of hamas now recently of course we've had the two thousand and twelve gaza war a seven eight day war where the state of israel and palestinian resistance groups including the resistance wing of hamas as part of the brigades used force against the state of israel in that conflict now that is starkly different in terms of positioning with the state of israel in terms of engaging with the state of israel in comparison to mahmoud abbas who is seen in the western world as much more moderate in comparison to have presenting a more hardline position including armed resistance against the state of israel so
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what we have here is a palestinian political dynamic as well if the western world and indeed the u.n. does not support this increase status for the palestinian people then what will almost certainly happen will be that mahmoud abbas is seen as even weaker the palestinian national representative and hamas will be further strengthened to the dismay of israel and the united states. we want to find out more about the vote you know check out our website there we've got perspective from all sides as well as plenty of analysis on the story too. egypt's national assembly is expected to vote on a new constitution later thursday hoping to appease tens of thousands of protesters across the country has been mounting for a week now after president morsi granted himself on challenge powers although promising to abandon them once a new constitution and parliament are in place gentle spell truce got the latest from cairo. when this constitution is drafted and goes through referendum president morsi wrote in his controversial constitution that gratian his extra powers he's
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assumed will and to this is after the referendum however the real issue the heart of this debate is the constitution itself and the way that it's being drafted the opposition forces really see the constituent assembly as an interesting body because at least a quarter of its members have staged a walkout including kiva presence tips from the church from liberal leftist forces for example so this constitution they really see has been drafted by president morsy supporters members of the muslim brotherhood and the other is the most groups still left in the constituent assembly so i'm afraid this document will do nothing really into increase the anger of the opposition forces who at the moment are staging an ongoing sit in in tahrir square we have a protest call today by opposition and pro morsi supporters which if we if we expect to see quite a lot of clashes on the street this is also already been. very violent we've seen
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the death of at least one protester in these clashes between rival protesters as curses continue on the streets surrounding cairo we go now to my colleague tom barton who has more from the scene we're still in the center of cairo a protest as have emerged from around the side of this building in a cycle of to and fro battles with stones and tear gas with the police the police just stood over there and they keep emerging and firing tear gas canisters back at the protesters the protesters all morning have been rocking cars and trying to pull the doors off smashing windows throwing stones they've also been picking up the take aspirin aides of the police and throwing them back at the police some of the stones lining a bit closer now that the police come back and this has been going on for about two days now and back and forth back up last night. they set fire to buildings and the police and the protesters dragging back casualties who have been without eyes were
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cheering and choking on the tea gas and head injuries and other injuries from the flying stones all of this set off by muhammad missed his declaration last week he is now going to expected to make a television. a television address to the nation to try and explain why he took such unprecedented power as people in tough race where haven't seen such violent protests there the more peaceful i'm allowed to protest as well they want to send a message rescind this rescind this announcement rescind these powers you've given yourself best supporting largely the country's top judges who have been on strike and they the judges say that they will not allow this measure despite the mohamed morsi trying to say he is trying to find a compromise it seems likely this will go on until the situation can be defused. tombaugh or blogger and journalist.


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